
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Foodie Penpals - Salty Sweetness in a Box

This month's foodie penal was a bit of a nightmare - not because of the person I was teamed with, lord no, but the fact that I don't get post delivered at work during the summer (it's a school, I'm the only one here) and it took me ages to catch up with the parcel at the post depot.

As you can imagine I was pretty eager to get my hands on this on - seeing as it had been at the post office for about two days (an AGE) - so desperate, that I'm afraid to say I rocked up at 8am and then ripped the box open in the car park like some food crazed fiend.

Here is the box screaming 'OPEN ME!'

So what's this month's box of tricks brought me? I was paired with Fay from Foodfables and it's like she actually knows me. Ok, I did send her an in depth email, but the food she picked out for me was if I'd gone out and bought it for myself.

First out was liquorice - this is something I'm addicted too, but not the sweet stuff; I love salty liquorice, or salmiakki as it's sometimes known - I first got hooked in Finland and now go to great lengths to track it down. Fay's liquorice was a Dutch version that combines salty and sweet - oh my, this is amazing and I've pretty much demolished half of it in the scarce few days I've had it.

Next out was Montezuma's Sea Dog chocolate. Again, how did Fay know? This is my favourite chocolate - it's salty and limey and bitter (like me) and is a great indulgent treat. Then came the tomato chilli jam - it's sweet, it's spicy and yes again, very me.

The box of goodies

Last but not least, and the true treat of the box, were Fay's homemade FAT FREE flapjacks. Yeah they've got oats and fruit in, so I've decided they are totally healthy and will binge on them forever. This is the first time a penpal has added something homemade in and the knowledge that someone has bothered to bake for me makes me feel so happy.

So what did I send? I was paired with Angie, her email stated how much she was a bit of a snacker (like me) and that she's trying to cook more. With that in mind I send her some not so sinful snacks and the bits and bobs to make her own pot noddles (great for the office). She's taken much better photos that me so head over to her blog to check it out.

The box I sent to Angie

If you want to take part in Foodie Penpals (and why wouldn't you) - then click on the button on the right hand side of my blog.


  1. What can I trade you for the rest of the liquorice??

  2. So glad you liked the parcel Sarah! There's a great gourmet sweet shop in Leeds where I found your liquorice and there were lots of different kinds so it was so hard to choose - I seem to have picked the perfect one for you. I've been salivating over your post on Solita for most of this evening - I wish we had one here!

    1. Fay it was perfect - I can't believe how much you got it spot on. Thanks so much for the care dedication and the home made treats - oh, can I have the recipe for the flapjacks?

    2. You'll be pleased to know I'm in the process of writing up the flapjack recipe for the blog (I'm working through a backlog) so I'll let you know when it goes up, they are super easy to do and great if you fancy something a bit naughty but don't want to feel guilt!

  3. Hooray this looks like a great parcel! Two days of knowing it was waiting, that really was an eternity. It was worth the wait :)

    1. It certainly was worth the wait, but you're right - it was an eternity!
